Thursday, 12 October 2017


A few weeks after Alfie was born, I started getting a little fed up with disposable nappies. We started having problems where the inner lining of the nappy would stick to him and leave marks behind. This happened the most with a very well known brand and I just didn't expect that. Now to clarify, he was being changed regularly, VERY regularly. We were getting through around 80-100 nappies a week. I started researching different nappies. I came across eco nappies and reusable nappies. When you think of reusable nappies, you might picture terry cloths with a safety pin (I did!) but then I started finding all these cute prints.

Pictured above is a brand called Bambino Mio. These are the Miosolos in, from top to bottom, Grizzly (my fave!), Koala and Hop. These particular nappies are an all-in-one, birth to potty nappy. This means that they are fully adjustable so that they can grow with your child. How adorable are these prints? They are still a little too big for Alfie right now but he's definitely not far off from fitting into them. He currently weighs 10lbs 7oz, so while they haven't fit him from birth, we will definitely be able to get our use out of these.

The next brand that I found was very popular was Close Parent. These are their Pop-In nappies which use an all-in-two system where the inserts snap into the nappy. I had to search quite a bit to find the Polar Bear nappy! It wasn't in stock on all the obvious sites since it's an older print from last year. The Raccoon and Deer print are from their new 'Woodlands' range and I just love them!

As I said, Alfie doesn't fit in them yet, but I've started on my stash. I am not brave enough to do cloth full time (yet) but I plan to use them at home. This way his bum can look super cute AND we can save a bit of money. What's not to like? I really hope that cloth works for us, especially since these prints from Thirsties have also caught my eye!

Do you use cloth nappies? I'd appreciate any tips! I think the idea of reusables is pretty daunting but I'm excited to give it a try!

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